Various Projects over the years hopefully capture a range of different skillsets that I have developed, ranging from solid masonary to plastic (Lime mortar) repairs, brickwork, Victorian tuck-pointing and terrazzo. I use workshops when available but the majority of my work is templated, made, fixed, pointed & trimmed in on site.

St Nicholas Church, Brighton

Eastbourne, St Marys

Walshes Park, Crowborough

Special mention to Darren Beard - “you’ll never walk alone.”

St Thomas, Lewes

Tabernacle Church, Worthing 

A mixture of making good & solid masonary.

St Hugh’s Charterhouse

Rendering, brickwork & stonework.

Ballustrades for the Old GPO.

Burpham House, a little bit of everything - stonemasonary, brickwork, flinting & blockwork!

East Grinstead Theatre, huge kneeler Stone.

Roedene School - Vousoir Repairs.

Stanley Court (Former United Reformed Church), Lewes Road.

Folkington Manor

This Header above a window was so large we couldn’t physically get it up to the top of the tower scaffold, so we determined to cut it in half but lengthways! Took a while. The doorway just to the left also needed extensive repair & restoration.

Pyecombe Church, West Sussex

Flintwork & stonemasonry.

St. Mary’s Thakeham

Flintwork - interior & exterior.


St Mary Magdalene, Bexhill Vousoirs. Two new arches

Hamsey St. Peter. New access, new Arch!

Dekes Manor, 4 Modern styled column supports for grand entrance to the new build.

St. Saviours Eastbourne, long mullions replacement.

The Old Anchor Pub, Horsham. In rain or shine!

East Dean, new extension & window headers, North elevation.

St. John the Evangelist , Burgess Hill, top section of kneeler stone.

House & Home

Cill Section, Lewes Residential.

Westdean College, Jamb indents.

Grinstead & Rudgwick Churches, hood mould ends.

Pier Caps, Hove.

Threshold, First Av. Hove.

Lindfield, Gate Pier reconstruction after car crash.

Manor House, Whitehawk, reconstituted ballustrades & Portland

Westdean College, chimney re-render.

Garden Plinth

Folkington Manor House, decorative copings & cranellations